Automotive Industry InsightsKIsSMEProject duration: January 2021 – December 2023Funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) In regard to the report and the study group results KIsSME is deemed relevant because of its close relation to open-road testing.The KIsSME...


Automotive Industry InsightsSmartLoadProject duration: 2018 – October 2021Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) The relevance of SmartLoad for this report lies in its focus on testing and validation in the development of ADAS functionality, especially through a...


Automotive Industry InsightsSETLevelProject duration: 2019 – August 2022Funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). SETLevel (“Simulationsbasiertes Entwickeln und Testen von automatisiertem Fahren” – simulation-based development and testing of automated driving)...

ISO/IEC/IEEE 20246 Work Product Reviews

Automotive Industry InsightsISO/IEC/IEEE 20246 Work Product ReviewsDescription ISO 20246 describes review processesStatus Published 2017Current role and relevance with regard to ADAS/AD Probably not much impact on scenario-based testing; other than reviews are generally beneficialRelation to the...

ISO 29119 “Software Testing” and ISO JTC1/SC 7 WG 26

Automotive Industry InsightsISO 29119 “Software Testing” and ISO JTC1/SC 7 WG 26Standard: ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119-1 Concepts and Definitions Description ISO 29119-1 describes general approaches in software testing StatusPublished 2013, republication expected later in 2021 Current role and relevance...

ISO 26262

Automotive Industry InsightsISO 26262DescriptionThe international safety standard ISO 26262 (“Road Vehicles – Functional Safety”) outlines a framework for functional safety in the automotive industry. The intention of the framework is to establish a uniform, universally accepted approach for the...


Automotive Industry InsightsISO 21448 SOTIFDescriptionISO 21448 is about ensuring the safety of the intended functionality (SOTIF). This is referred to as the absence of unreasonable risk due to hazards resulting from functional insufficiencies of the intended functionality or by reasonably...

ReqIF “Requirements Interchange Format”

Automotive Industry InsightsReqIF “Requirements Interchange Format”Description and backgroundRequirements management has been an integral part of the development process in various industries (especially in the military, aeronautical, and the medical device industries) for years. Other industries...