Test Data ManagementImpact on Homologation and Type Approval ProcessParallel to the shift to data-driven development and software-defined vehicles, the approval and homologation of automated driving functions is also changing. In the past, homologation was the last step during or after...
Data Modeling Based on Test Strategy and Use Cases
Test Data ManagementData Modeling Based on Test Strategy and Use CasesTo describe test data management aspects in ADAS/AD function development we propose a first high-level domain model as a basis for furthering modeling in future standardization efforts. The Test Strategy Blueprint and the...
Test Data Management
Test Data ManagementTest Data ManagementHow to Model and Apply Test Data for the Future of Autonomous DrivingThe previous chapters looked at the challenges and opportunities of new test strategies in detail, and the role data generation plays in it. By now, the relevance of test data management...
AI Specific Aspects
A Blueprint for New ADAS/AD Test StrategiesAI Specific AspectsThe algorithm paradoxAlthough the boundaries of artificial intelligence have tended to shift over time, a core objective of AI research has been to automate or replicate intelligent behavior. Conditions encountered while driving are...
Scenario-based SIL Closed Loop Testing
A Blueprint for New ADAS/AD Test StrategiesRequirements-based Vehicle-in-the-Loop TestingThis section presents an example of a validation approach for a camera-based ALKS (automated lane keeping system) as a V-ECU (virtual electronic control unit,...
Requirements-based Vehicle-in-the-Loop Testing
A Blueprint for New ADAS/AD Test StrategiesRequirements-based Vehicle-in-the-Loop TestingThis section presents the functional testing of autonomous driving/ADAS functions using vehicle-in-the-loop (VIL) testing. The user journey shows the different steps which are typically required to execute...
Hardware Reprocessing / Data Replay
A Blueprint for New ADAS/AD Test StrategiesHardware Reprocessing / Data ReplayThis section introduces data replay (DR) testing. DR is an open-loop test methodology that is based on replaying recorded data sets to the interfaces of a system under test (SUT) and evaluating the responses of this SUT...
Scenario-based Testing on Proving Grounds
A Blueprint for New ADAS/AD Test StrategiesScenario-based Testing on Proving GroundsThis section presents scenario-based testing of highly automated vehicle functions in the area of the proving ground. The following user journey demonstrates the high-level view of the workflow. A possible cut-in...
Scenario-based Open Road Testing
A Blueprint for New ADAS/AD Test StrategiesScenario-based Open Road TestingThis user journey describes open road testing as it is used for the validation of ADAS functionality. The term open road refers to the fact that the system under test (SUT) is assessed in an open environment on public...
Fault Injection Testing MIL
A Blueprint for New ADAS/AD Test StrategiesFault Injection Testing MILThis user journey describes how fault injection testing can already be applied at the model-in-the-loop (MIL) level and in which contexts and regards it can supplement the classic fault injection testing activities performed at...